20 Characteristics of a Successful Worksite Wellness Program (HRCI - PHR/SPHR Certified) - Webinar by TrainHR

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jun 4, 2014
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost $145.00
Overview: As research on the effectiveness of worksite wellness programs is showing the positive effects for both the employee and organization, it is important to ensure that your program is best in class. A Harvard study found that companies who provide worksite wellness programs have an average return on investment of $3.27 to 1 due to reduced health-care costs and a return on investment of $2.73 to 1 due to reduced absenteeism. This talk will address the many factors to be considered in the design and implementation of a successful worksite wellness program. It will also examine the issues an organization may face, the array of options a company can choose from, as well as provide the tips and strategies necessary to ensure that the worksite wellness program is successful and ongoing.

Why should you attend: By attending this Webinar, you can significantly reduce your company's healthcare costs, absenteeism, presenteeism and turnover while increasing productivity and morale. You will also be able to alter the company's culture so that it becomes a healthy one. 

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Participants will learn 20 wellness program activities to offer
  • Participants will learn 3 ways to increase participation in worksite wellness programs
  • Participants will learn 5 ways to evaluate the effectiveness of a worksite wellness program

Who Will Benefit:
  • Human Resource Professionals
  • Benefit Managers
  • Wellness Coordinators
  • Occupational Health Nurses
  • Medical Directors
  • EAP Professionals
  • Health and Safety Directors


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