Agile Architecture : Dynamic APIs and Dynamic Schemas

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Sep 23, 2014
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost $169.00
The central technical challenge for Agile Architecture is how to achieve functionality and performance without having to trade off flexibility. The context for these central patterns of Agile Architecture is the concept of architecting at a dynamic level of abstraction above the logical level of contracted APIs and data schemas.

At this dynamic level, there are the central patterns that are essential to resolving the fundamental compromise of distributed computing:
  • Dynamic Coupling. Tightly coupled interfaces require detailed knowledge of both sides of a distributed computing interaction, and any change on one side might break the other. Contracted interfaces introduce loose coupling, but at the expense of a static interface. With dynamic coupling, interface differences are resolved dynamically at run time.
  • Dynamic Schemas. Neither the WSDL files that specify Web Services, nor the URIs, HTTP verbs, and Internet Media Types that specify RESTful APIs adequately contract the message semantics for any interaction. Dynamic schemas abstract all semantic metadata in a consistent way, relying once again upon the integration engine to resolve these dynamic schemas for each interaction at run time.
  • Extreme Late Binding. SOA registries ended up doing little more than resolving endpoint references at run time, similar to the way DNS resolves domain names - in other words, they provided late binding. Such late binding adds some flexibility to an interaction, but typically at the expense of performance. Today, however, dynamic coupling and dynamic schemas enable any client to discover at run time all the metadata it requires to interact with any endpoint, without sacrificing performance - what we call extreme late binding.
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