WEBINAR - Cloud Insights: Security as a Service

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Dec 5, 2017
Time 04:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Today’s businesses rely on their versatility and innovation. Distributed services, cloud deployments, mobile applications, IoT… are changes occurring at a very high speed and it’s crucial for companies to keep pace with this technological revolution.
The digital transformation is leading many companies to transform their datacenters into IaaS or allocation services in the cloud. In addition to this challenge, it’s important to consider the complexity of keeping the services connected to the people (users or customers) without sacrificing security.

Security has become a critical asset in every network and in most cases security adaptation to new services is hard to deploy. Usually, the physical limitations of On-Premise (hardware-based) solutions is fixed through the acquisition of additional hardware or new licenses, making the diversification of services very expensive and difficult to manage. 

How can you preserve your service’s security without sacrificing versatility? In this webinar, the first of a series of Talaia webinars about Security, we will show you how SaaS solutions can address this issue and equip you with a flexibility that hardware-based solutions lack.
Join us on Tuesday, December 5th at 4PM CET for a unique session!


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