The Excel VLOOKUP Crash Course

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 25, 2018
Time 05:00 PM EDT
Cost $9528.2
Do you want to improve the accuracy and integrity of your Excel workbooks? Do you want to save a ton of time and minimise data entry errors?
VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH are some of the most well-known (and most useful) formulas in Excel. Used properly, they will help you to achieve this.
VLOOKUP enables you to quickly and easily look for a value down a column of data and return a value from the same row in a different column. Perfect for when working with large tabular data. INDEX and MATCH work in a similar way but provide more flexibility.

Areas Covered in the Session :
  • The IF Function
  • The COUNTIF Function
  • The SUMIF Function
  • The COUNTBLANK Function
  • The VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Functions
  • The LOOKUP Function
  • The INDEX and MATCH Functions
  • The IFERROR Function

Who Should Attend:This webinar is for any user of Excel who wants to learn about the Lookup and Logical functions. The training is categorized as intermediate-to-advanced.
The training will be delivered using Excel 2016 for Windows although for users of earlier versions, most of the functionality is available in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013.


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