Social Media Intern Job Description

Overall Job Description: The social media intern at WebinarListings will be instrumental in increasing our social media presence and getting visibility for our listed webinars.

Responsibilities include the following (there will be 2 interns working on these tasks):

  • Monitor and engage on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Post current Webinars on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
  • Put together weekly newsletter in ConstantContact
  • Contact Webinar leads about listing with our service
  • Internet research to find existing Webinar blogs
  • Occasional research for WebinarListings blog posts
  • Follow and list appropriate people on Twitter
  • Communicate exciting news (i.e. # of webinars, new customers, etc)
  • Update website, as needed
  • Track webinar statistics for customers
  • Track key performance indicators from WebinarListings
  • Approve new webinars


  • Familiar with Twitter and Facebook (I will teach you the rest!)
  • Passionate about Social Media (interested in doing it for yourself too!)
  • Friendly and conversational
  • GPA at least 3.0
  • Must be detail oriented, team player and technologically savvy
  • Must be comfortable with Microsoft Excel
  • Fast Learner


  • This is an unpaid part-time internship
  • Estimated weekly hours are 5-8 hours per week, unless you have more time than that! (schedule is flexible, but most days will require a minimum of ½ hour, to keep the communication constant) (minimum 3-month commitment, but longer if you’d like)
  • Intern will work remotely, on his/her own computer
  • Opportunities for increased responsibility, including writing and sales
  • Learn social media and Wordpress from someone knowledgeable!

To apply: Please send resume, cover letter (including why you’re interested in Social Media and WebinarListings) to Rachel (at) webinarlistings (dot) com

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