Intangibles Matter: Mining Advantages in the Connected Age Part 3: Designing High Performance Environments

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Oct 31, 2019
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Coaching references nine environments that influence everyone (i.e. Self, Spiritual, Relationships, Network, Financial, Physical, Technology, Body, and Memetic (You). Research supports the theory that ‘how we feel’ (i.e. attitude, motivation, our surroundings, the people we interact with, how we feel about ourselves and our contribution, just to highlight a few) has a great deal of influence on performance.

This webinar introduces the practice of deliberately defining the desired environment, the supporting behaviors, individual adoption plans and activities that will create habits so that the desired behaviors become second nature. 

Series Goals and Outcomes

• To introduce the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ), a recognition of its value, advantages, and a structure to strengthen it
• To introduce concepts of coaching and an understanding of adapting coaching techniques to improve productivity, accountability, and creativity
• To introduce the concept of high-performance environments; their creation, sustainability, and long-term advantages and ROI



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