Leading in a Crisis – Actionable Business and HR Strategies for Navigating Crisis and Change

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Mar 25, 2020
Time 12:30 PM EDT
Cost Free
COVID-19 has ​created a new set of challenges:

-          Families fighting for their loved ones’ lives
-          An instant remote workforce 
-          Business in crisis
-          Economy in-flux
-          Employees stressed, worried, and afraid
-          Managers inexperienced in the art of managing virtual teams
TurnKey Coaching & Development Solutions has organized the resources, subject matter experts and thought leaders to enable you and your team to fast-track the skills required for survival and turning this adversity into an innovation opportunity. 
Our experts will be providing proven, actionable strategies for: 
-          Managing a remote workforce
-          Quickly implementing remote team technology solutions
-          Virtual employee engagement and accountability
-          Situational leadership for remote teams
-          Effective performance management for remote workers
-          Managing the chaos of instant change
-          Resilience and patience as employees mitigate the challenges of stir-crazy children and a house full of distractions
While virtual workers and virtual teams have been an essential part of today's workforce, for many years now, what’s old hat for some organizations is new and frightful for others. Furthermore, while the pandemic has caused death, chaos, and perilous market economy, this is not a time for fear, but a time of refocusing, structure, and clarity of purpose.
Leading in a Crisis – 
Experts provide actionable ideas and resources for those responsible for managing the chaos and ensuring the health of the safety of employees and the health of their business. 
Join us for a virtual summit (COVID-19 FREE-ZONE) to address the biggest employee and business change challenges during this time of crisis.


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