Accident Causation - A Model for how Accidents Occur in the Workplace and What We Can Do to Prevent them

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Sep 18, 2014
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost $175.00
Overview: This Webinar helps you to gain a good understand of how accidents and incidents are caused (and hence how they are prevented).The process starts with consideration of "What do we mean by an Accident"? What event should we include? Is harm required? What would offer the greatest benefit to the Company? 

A simple model of Accident Causation is discussed and various supporting ideas are developed.The concept of "Barriers" is introduced and the ways in which these barriers may be defeated is developed during the course of the Webinar. This is related back into the Risk Control Measures identified through your Risk Assessment process. Hard Barriers (such as Guards, Interlocks, Extraction Systems, etc.) are contrasted with Soft Barriers (such as Procedures, a Permit to Work System, Training, and other Administrative Controls). 

The concepts of "Active Failures" and "Latent Conditions" are developed by reference to examples. The relationship between the barriers and the risk assessment process is discussed and the importance of a robust process for Risk Assessment is highlighted.

The benefits of understanding, and dealing with, Latent Conditions is contrasted with that of dealing only with Active Failures. Although Active Failures are easier to deal with (from a management point of view) getting to grips with the issues raised by the Latent Conditions offers the greater (and on-going) benefit to the Company.

The role of supervision and management in the development, implementation, and the monitoring and checking of barriers is discussed. The concept and importance of Active Monitoring (as opposed to Reactive Monitoring) is investigated.

The importance of learning from accidents and incidents is discussed and this is compared to the benefits of learning from non-injury events (and from identifying events before they happen). The lessons learned can be used to avoid future accidents and incidents and to protect your people, your business and your reputation.

The role of Accident Investigation is covered during the Webinar and the importance of understand both the immediate cause and the underlying (or root) causes of accidents and incidents is discussed. 

Why should you attend: Nobody wants to make "that call" to the next of kin and nobody wants to see employees and work colleagues (or members of the public, contractors, etc.) killed, injured or made ill by the workplace. Further to this Accidents and Incidents are bad for business: people are hurt or killed, commercial reputations are tarnished, contracts are lost (or not won), and time is lost.

Understanding the causes of accidents/incident is an important step in the prevention of such events in the workplace. This course will help you develop and understanding of how accidents and incidents occur and then links into the underlying principles of the risk assessment.

For many businesses this may mean simple, cheap and effective measures to ensure that their most valuable asset (the workforce) is protected. Delegates should attend this Webinar if they wish to understand the theory of how accidents occur, with the aim of preventing them. 

This webinar will introduce a simple way of considering accident causation and relating it back into the risk assessment process and the controls that should be in place with any organization. This Webinar will highlight the difference between Active Failures and the Latent Conditions (underlying situation) that allows them to happen. The role of supervision and management, of active monitoring, and of the checking and enforcement of the use of Control measures will be covered.

It will provide you with the ideas and information you need to help you identify and implement the appropriate control measures required to protect people, including your own workers and other people that may be affected by your undertaking.

This webinar will benefit organizations that want to take control of health and safety and want to protect their people from harm. The same approach will also help to protect the commercial reputation of the Company. 

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • What is an accident?
  • How companies try to protect themselves
  • Protective Barriers (figurative)
  • Risk Control Measures
  • Active Failures
  • Latent Conditions
  • How barriers fail
  • Learning from events
  • Avoiding accidents

Who Will Benefit:
  • Owners of Companies
  • Directors and Vice Presidents
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Safety Officers
  • Production Manager
  • Operations Managers
  • Warehouse Managers
  • Leading Hands, Cell Leaders, Charge Hands, etc.

Background : Accidents and Incidents are bad for business: people are hurt or killed, commercial reputations are tarnished, contracts are lost (or not won), and time is lost. Understanding how and why accidents happen is essential if we are to prevent them from happening again. This Webinar introduce a model for understanding how accident occur and (hence) how to avoid them. Prevention is better than cure and there is no cure for a workplace fatality.

Michael Ellerby LLB (Hons) BSc (Hons) CMIOSH MIIRSM MIFSM CChem MRSC CSci 

As well as being a Chartered Safety Professional and a Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), Mike is a Chartered Chemist and Scientist. As well as a degree in Chemistry, he also holds a degree in law. Mike runs his own Health and Safety Consultancy and has also acted as Competent Person (Head of Safety Services Department) for the University of Sheffield, England. 

Roger Steven
Phone No: 800-385-1607
FaX: 302-288-6884
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