The Wisdom Chronicles: Competing to Win

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Mar 18, 2015
Time 07:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
As senior executives you always have many areas where you can focus your attention - paths along which you can guide your organization to enable it to ultimately reach its full competitive potential or remain just an 'also ran'. Whether you like it or not, you are competing for the future and a place in that future. The challenge, as Arnold Glasow so aptly put it, is that 'The only problem with the future is that it is usually here before we are ready'.
As I have lived and worked in 37 countries over the past 42 years helping in excess of 155 organizations from virtually every industry and sector as well as SME's and global organizations, I have applied my powers of 'observation', I have 'observed' with a keen eye what works best and what does not when it comes to
  1. Addressing the challenging issues organizations face which, if left to fester, often result in some form of crisis situation occurring and
  2. How to realize the full potential of an organization - getting it to that next level of performance.
The fact of the matter is that the success or failure of an organisation comes down to just a 'vital few' factors. This Webinar will reveal what they are.
More than anything, it's about having and maintaining - relentlessly, the right 'focus'. Forget all the latest theories. To a large extent, the 'secrets' to success have never really been secrets - it's often about getting back to basics - doing the right things for the business and doing them right. This is the essence of what Peter Drucker considers 'leadership'.


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