DevOps and Continuous Delivery on Steroids

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jun 24, 2015
Time 09:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
Team members use Agile and Continuous Delivery methodologies to increase efficiency, enabling frequent releases, while improving software quality. Breaking down silos between development groups and the development/operations divide accelerates delivery. Testing, release, staging, and deployment are streamlined and force agility and increased efficiency.

Build automation helps accelerate build processes by automating many of the tasks that developers, QA, build managers, and anyone else involved in the build process do in their day-to-day activities. This is where speed is becoming essential.

Learn how to make your continuous integration run on steroids.


• Continuous Integration automation challenges & benefits
• How to identify build flow bottlenecks
• How to lower continuous integration cycles times
• How multicore and distributed computing can accelerate your continuous integration
• The effect of faster build cycles on a single developer, team, and the entire development organization

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