Self-Confidence Master Class Webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 24, 2018
Time 09:30 PM EDT
Cost $10.00
At some point in our lives we have felt undermined by our lack of self-confidence. It impacts our abilities and presses judgment on us which holds us back from speaking our mind, making a decision, and rising from challenges.
Lack of self-confidence breeds a deep sense of insecurity that falsely leads us to believe that others are always wiser, smarter and more capable than us.
People who are self- confident aren’t afraid to assert their knowledge and convictions. Their magnetism draws other people in and helps them get the results they want.

The way we think about ourselves is so fundamental to attaining our goals and passion, but we seldom think about it. We all deserve a successful personal and professional life, but it doesn’t come magically. We need the right tools and practice to be successful. Join me in this exclusive, one-time only webinar to explore the following concepts and more to become self-assured!
  • How confidence is key to a successful career
  • Evaluating our self-esteem
  • How failure can be a powerful ally
  • Developing self-awareness
  • Actionable ideas
As we get a little closer to the date, we will be sending you complete details to log into the Webinar.


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