Covid-19 and Logistics: Using advanced negotiation to re-shape logistics contracts

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Sep 10, 2020
Time 03:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
The logistics sector is one of the industries most affected by the pandemic – with the potential to severely and permanently transform the logistics landscape in the mid- and long-term. While logistics providers struggle to adapt to the new environment and to protect their profitable business model, their customers find that their pre-covid logistics frameworks are not well adapted to the new situation or cannot even be used at all anymore.

Instead of attempting to fix and amend existing arrangements with their current partners, companies should use the highly disrupted market as a chance to fundamentally restructure their logistics frameworks. In doing so, they can at the same time satisfy their general requirements to logistics solutions as well as include new side restrictions imposed by Covid-19.

In this webinar we introduce game theoretic negotiation techniques that let you re-structure your logistics framework while dealing with the increased complexities of the pandemic and maintaining flexibility for different logistics solutions.


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