Remote Design Sprint Webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Oct 13, 2020
Time 10:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
How to Solve Big Issues and Test New Ideas With Remote Design Sprint in Just 5 Days

Learn how to run a Remote Design Sprint on 13th Oct – 8:30 PM IST

Design Sprint is used by companies like Uber, Apple, Netflix, etc., to understand what your users really want. Learn How to Run a Remote Design Sprint and the challenges of remote design sprint and how to overcome it.  

In this fun, fast-paced, hands-on webinar, you’ll learn by doing as Vish leads you through a complete decision making cycle- compressed into a webinar.

Webinar Agenda: Reject Ideas Quicker And Grow Quickest
In this webinar, we will cover the:
  • When you should go for a remote design sprint
  • Pre-requisites of conducting a remote design sprint
  • What to do before, during, and after a remote design sprint
  • Tools needed to conduct a remote design sprint
Click on the link to register now

About the Speaker
Vishvajit Sande comes with a rich experience working with the startups and has helped 20+ startups build their products. He leads UI/UX at Mindbowser and is successfully running the Google Design Sprint for the last three years.


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