The Roadmap to Higher Business Value

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Mar 8, 2018
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
So, you’ve reached that moment when you need to start thinking about how you can release the value in your business, to help you fund the next stage of your life.

Well, at this point, fundamentally you’ve got two choices.

Choice one: just put it on the market and see if it will sell and then, if you do get a buyer, basically just accept whatever they’re willing to pay. 

Frankly, I think this option sucks because of the uncertainty factor. 

- You don’t know if it will sell. 
- You don’t know how long it will take to sell.
- And you don’t know what price you’ll get for it. 

In other words, you have no or little control over the process.

Choice two: YOU take control.  

It’s about taking control of the ENTIRE process and getting the value you DESERVE.

If you want to know how to do this, this webinar is for you.

it's all about how you go about increasing the value of your business to the point where it is going to meet your needs – in just six steps!

Here are some of the outcomes you can expect:

- How you can double the value of your business without doubling your sales 
- How to make sure you get the lifestyle you want after selling as well as while you are still in business 
- How you can avoid having to chase buyers for your business 

The sad reality is that most business owners never receive the full value at the time of selling. That’s why, in my webinar, you will learn the steps to create a much higher business valuation.

There’s no reason why you have to learn these steps the hard way.

You will be given the six-step roadmap to maximising the value of your business.

Plus, a whole bunch of practical, useful tips.

And if you are really serious about making this happen and stick it out to the end of the webinar, we’re going to give you several useful tools, which you can take away and use immediately in your business.

So, make sure to register!

I really hope to see you there.

John Strange
Founder, Your Business Freedom


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