Kick-Ass 2018

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Dec 29, 2017
Time 12:30 PM EDT
Cost Free
On Dec 29th for the first 100 people, I will be hosting a webinar. How to Kick-Ass in 2018. It will be a power packed 1-hour conversation where I will teach a 5 step process to really help you go for it.

You will learn a system to get out of your own way and Run Like Hell. It will be high energy high impact. I have been astonished how well these strategies have worked for me in changing my life and growing my business.

This webinar is for you if
- You definitely want to Kick-Ass in 2018 — but don't have a strategy in place yet.

- It seems like you never have the time to take the actions necessary to move towards your goals. With so much to do every day, how can you possibly squeeze more in?

- You have goals, but external circumstances always seem to thwart your efforts … it’s frustrating and you never quite get to where you planned on going.

- You know what you SHOULD be doing in order to achieve your goals, but for some reason, you just don’t do it.

- You know what you want in life, but you don't know how to go for it.

- Every time you consider your dreams, you immediately think of dozens of limitations, reasons you can never accomplish it.

Whether you’ve experienced any or all of these situations, then this webinar is for you.

It’s not your fault you haven’t yet mastered the art of kicking ass In today’s busy world, it’s so easy to plug along, day after day, year after year, without actively accomplishing anything.

And then, one day, a realization hits you: you want so much more for yourself.
So now I challenge you to sign up for this webinar and let's Kick-Ass in 2018.

Email Donnie if you want to attend (The Link will take you to his Facebook Page where most attendees are signing up.)


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