[FREE Webinar] Rapid automation techniques to achieve successful continuous testing

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 22, 2020
Time 05:30 PM EDT
Cost Free
In every vertical, irrespective of the company size, one thing found in common has been the race to deliver functionalities faster and with confidence. Quality@Speed is the key to competitive advantage today. But, what will move the needle to success?? Continuous testing for sure!

But no organization can achieve continuous testing without test automation. When Continuous testing and test automation go hand in hand, success of continuous testing depends on how rapidly we are able to create and execute the test scripts.
This webinar talks about rapid automation techniques for you to achieve successful continuous testing.

The takeaways from this webinar would be
  • Learnings about Continuous testing practices
  • How can we achieve in-sprint automation using rapid automation scripting technique?
  • How can we achieve rapid execution to minimize the execution time?


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