"Our Stories of Failure: What mistakes should one avoid to not sink the software project?"

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jun 4, 2020
Time 04:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
Our Stories of Failure: What mistakes should one avoid to not sink the software project?

In times of a pandemic, when most projects may need to be modified as the business enforces changes in targets, dates and budgets it is worth evaluating whether the definition of a project is complete or whether we should revise the original scope, in terms of their timescale.

What is advisable to examine, and what should be the subject matter while planning a project? Will be discussed during the webinar.

We will present you with the essentials, and we will not be ashamed of, sharing our mistakes!

Their detailed analysis is an important part of our work, as it allows us to work more closely with our Clients on an optimal level.

We will show our cards, and we will present a case study of one of our projects completed for an insurance broker.

We will tell you about “what went wrong”, and indicate why the project scope, completion formula and the organisation of project works should be agreed before starting the project. So that it will be completed successfully, as well as “how to do it right”.

Our initiative is directed towards those of you who work in software development on a daily basis, and would like to learn something new through the mistakes of others.


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