Invitation to join PandaOmics 2.0 launch webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jun 9, 2021
Time 09:00 AM EDT
Cost Free

On behalf of the Insilico Medicine team, I would like to invite you to participate in our webinar. We have developed an integrated end-to-end drug discovery platform called, and leveraging this technology we started a number of internal programs. 

PandaOmics is a comprehensive AI-powered systems biology platform for novel Target Discovery integrating over 

60 different engines and approaches to Target Discovery and beyond. It provides biologically intepretable insights coupled with 

business intelligence with multiple experimentally validated case studies.

Over the past few months, we accumulated a large number of updates and developed brand new features that we now plan to release.

Updates include:

  • Drug ID module to search for relevant compounds in the context of the disease
  • Filters for biological processes and custom gene lists in Target ID
  • Target Disease Association Pages
  • 1000+ additional curated and uploaded datasets
  •  And much more

If interested to learn more, please consider registering for the Pandaomics 2.0 launch webinar on the link below (9th June, 16.00 CET, 10.00 am ET)

We hope to see you all soon!

Veronika & Insilico Team


Veronika Racz
Business Development Consultant

Insilico Medicine

+421 907106428


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