Driver Monitoring Systems: Global Regulations, Challenges & Solution

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Feb 3, 2022
Time 05:00 AM EDT
Cost Free

As regulatory bodies such as NCAP, European Commissions, and GSR2 continue to recognise DMS, it is expected to become standard equipment in vehicles in Europe for increased driver and semi-automated driving safety. The "Stay Aware for Everyone" (SAFE) Act of 2020 in the United States is using a similar approach. 
As the level of semi-autonomy rises, more and more driving activities are delegated to the car, putting the driver in a position where he or she is more prone to be distracted. This automobile solution addresses distractions caused by the usage of smartphones, infotainment systems, and other factors that occur outside of the vehicle.

This leads to the following questions:
What do the latest Euro NCAP and GSR2 regulations say about DMS and how will they affect the future of this automotive solution? What are the testing & assessment protocols stated by these authorities? And lastly, what is the turn-key solution?


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