Why You Need A Completely Integrated Chargeback Solution (because Chargeback costs more than you think)

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 23, 2015
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Data growth continues at 30-50% per year and IT departments continue to solve the data problem by just buying more storage. One of the best ways to slow down the growth of storage purchases is to chargeback the departments that are using the storage (and backup and other resources) based on how much they actually use. IT chargeback is only being used in a small % of enterprises and often struggles to get accurate data and integrate it into the billing environment.

There has to be a better way.
  • Once installed, the solution saved over 200 hours/month of manual script and spreadsheet work by the IT team and delivered the data right to the SAP billing system
  • The billing data delivered was automated and the billing results were significantly more accurate.
Walt Duflock (Vice President of Marketing) and Greg Trikouros (Senior Sales Engineer) will review the details of the manual and expensive process that the customer had before and compare it to the automated solution that delivered improved chargeback results that were both automated and more accurate.


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