Is your Mobile App ready for the Holiday Rush?

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Dec 14, 2017
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
December is here again and the holiday season is around the corner, which means you might be getting more customers through mobile apps. Surprised? It has been predicted that 77% of mobile app users will make holiday purchases through apps this holiday season. So your app could be the one being downloaded.

It is a well known fact that consumers have little patience for bad mobile experiences, and if a mobile app doesn’t live up to their expectations, customers will ditch the app in no time. Thereafter they go for the app that can give them great mobile experiences. More so at that time of the year when most of the consumers are exposed to great in-app experience provided by large enterprises such as Amazon, Starbucks, and eBay, it’s extremely apparent for consumers to switch to one of them when the experience is bad on other Apps.

So, are you sure your app is ready for this holiday rush? This Webinar will help you get ready.

We will be covering the following topics.
  • Make sure you know which devices your target market segment is using
  • Ensure functional compatibility: How to do more testing in less time
  • Ensure that your app works without glitches: Check App performance
  • Ensure users will be able to use your new features effectively: Get real users feedback from field
About Speaker :
Avinash is one of the co-founder of pCloudy ( part of Smart Software Testing Solutions). Avinash has 15+ experience in Product development and Testing. Avinash is currently based out of Bangalore and is alumnus of IIT and MIT Sloan.


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