Testing in The Pipe - An Experience Report in Automation

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date May 29, 2018
Time 07:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
In today’s agile world where DevOps and Continuous Delivery rule the place, testing has somehow to keep up with that speed. Deployment pipelines force us to search for new approaches in testing. To get rid of the repetitive checking part in testing, automation has become extremely popular. Having Automation in combination with hands-on testing in place, can bring great value to all in the DevOps ecosystem.
In this story, I’ll give you some personal insights into one of my past project experiences, where I’ve been part of a cross functional UX team which was embedded in a DevOps ecosystem. By applying existing test strategy models, we formed our very own one where everyone was able to contribute to testing.
Key Takeaways:
  • Why you don’t have to reinvent the wheel again to form your very own testing model by using some shiny pieces from already existing ideas, approaches, methodologies and experiments.
  • How Testing can look like when you have to deal with CI/CD pipelines in your team.
  • How automation in testing can be shifted to the left and a bit to the right.


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