Security Analytics for Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Application

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jan 18, 2018
Time 06:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
Using cloud technology organizations are standardizing work flow on global scale and accelerating business expansion.  Switching to cloud, the question arises, how to protect the confidential data and achieve IT infrastructure security?
LTS Secure designed Security Analytics for Cloud Infrastructure and Cloud Applications to address cloud security challenges –
Key take-ways:
•             How to protect confidential data in cloud environment?
•             How to detect unauthorized activities, sharing, and data exfiltration?
•             How to monitor privilege misuse of data and threat patterns?
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Speaker details: Anant
Anant is a technology savvy professional with advanced skills and experience in Data And Information Security Management, Technology Presales and Architecture. He has experience in designing, deploying, operating and managing SIEM Technology & Services delivery across divergent geographies for varied SOC use cases. He has a proven and consistent track record of successfully delivering strategic goals on time.


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