Solving the EDW Transformation Conundrum - Impetus webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jan 25, 2018
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Enterprises looking to modernize the data warehouse have been facing the dilemma of choosing between migration of legacy systems and total re-engineering. While migrating the systems as is is not the best transformation choice for all workloads, total re-engineering can be complex and disrupt business processes.
An EDW transformation approach that maintains a balance between the two extreme approaches is required to solve this problem. You will have full control in addressing low-performing or costly, resource-constrained workloads, while also building a strong foundation for a modern data warehouse architecture that supports sophisticated analytics using a cloud/hybrid/on-premises strategy.
In this webinar, experts from Impetus will walk you through a path to solve this dilemma. Attendees of this session will be able to:
  • Arrive at a pragmatic decision when faced with the dilemma
  • Learn methods to estimate and measure the bottom-line impact across applications and reporting workloads
  • Build a prioritized transformation roadmap of use cases based on cost, performance, and business needs
  • Understand how automation can be used to optimize workloads for a scalable and iterative architecture
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