Physician Training Program ICD-10 for physicians by a physician

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Aug 13, 2015
Time 10:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
Self-help training programs require time, which most practices don’t have. Moreover, they are designed by coders and billers thus, making the content of these trainings irrelevant and often laborious for physicians.
CureMD Physician Training Program is different.
Designed by a physician, our main focus is to bridge the gap between physician and coders to simplify the transition to ICD-10. Thus, whether you are an ICD-10 expert or beginner, do your practice a favor and spend an hour every week with CureMD.
Can you pick and choose Trainings relevant to you?
Yes, however, we strongly recommend that you attend all 4. You will be given an assignment every week which will help you prepare better.

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