Onboarding Those Working From Home - The Challenges Presented by COVID-19 and How to Overcome Them

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Sep 22, 2020
Time 03:00 PM EDT
Cost $159.00
Because of COVID-19 the workplace is changing and more and more people are now working at home and will be working at home. They will have little or no contact with their peers or management and therefore the managers must know the correct techniques of onboarding new employees remotely.
Onboarding has its own set of problems – you have to orient people to their new organization and teach them not only about the policy, procedures, their job description, but also about the culture, how to interact with others, and how to fit in.
This is difficult in case of virtual onboarding when you can’t walk them around and introduce them to others.
This course is designed to make that task as easy and as thorough as possible.
Attend this webinar to learn virtual onboarding best practices to help your new employees fit better in the organization and reach their full potential sooner.
At the end of this course you will have:
• Recognized some of the problems HR and others responsible for onboarding have for trying to assess the needs of the person they have never met
• Discovered some remote onboarding tips and techniques for those you have onboarded to become more comfortable
• Identified some of the changes management has to make to work with the at home employee
• Explored methods you – the person responsible for onboarding – can do to make onboarding the at home worker more successful
• A virtual onboarding checklist to enhance a manager’s ability to manage the home-worker effectively
We cover the at-home worker’s:
• Special needs and accommodations
• Needs for computers, software, training and other equipment
• View of the company – understanding its formal and informal structure
• Needs to “fit in”
• Ability to learn about and adapt to “our way” – the company culture and style
• Need to have information about relocating
• Needs to get to know and create relationships with management, teams, peers, etc.
Everyone working at home – and those needing to onboard them.
ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized Leadership, Management, Professional Development, and  Organizational Development (O-D) consultant specializing in people and processes in the workplace. Multifaceted, Dr. Diamond has extensive experience in a wide range of disciplines (business, education, management, marketing, business ownership, psychology – and some economics and law as well). This enables her to see things from a variety of angles and to cleave to the essence of a problem quickly, offering her clients creative and practical solutions.
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