Managing, Motivating and Integrating a Multi Generational Workforce

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 2, 2015
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost $145.00
A 30-year-old manager in charge of employees who have worked in the same positions since he was still in diapers is not just a plot in a Hollywood comedy, its standard operating procedure at many companies across the nation.
Just as prevalent is a manager nearing retirement charged with leading a group of recent post-grads who are too inexperienced to even know they are inexperienced. Workplaces today are generational melting pots and knowing how to properly manage and motivate individuals with distinct experiences, values, and needs can mean the difference between a profitable company and one that fails to thrive. Never before has there been such a diversity of generations in the workforce as the Veterans (1922 – 1946), the Boomers (1946 – 1963), the Xers (1963 – 1980), and the Nexters (1980 – 2000) fill offices throughout the country.

Managing, Motivating and Integrating Your Multigenerational Workforce teaches company leaders how to effectively manage today's multigenerational workforce by first understanding the unique values and needs that fuel the beliefs and behaviors of each generation while teaching strategies for good employee relations between all generations.

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Discover what drives the new generations.
  • Understand the typical traits, expectations and needs of the various generations that coexist in the workplace. 
  • Recognize the impact and effect of generational values in the workplace 
  • Learn how to effectively motivate, coach and develop employees from different generations. 
  • Understand how the various generations can coexist for maximum results.
Who Will Benefit:
  • Supervisors
  • Department Managers
  • Leaders who are trying to implement change across their organizations.
Dianne Durkin is the president and founder of Loyalty Factor, a consulting and training company that enhances employee, customer and brand loyalty for some of the nation’s most prominent corporations and smaller businesses. Her new book, The Power of Magnetic Leadership: It's Time to Get R.E.A.L. is the focus of this webinar. The Clarion Independent Reviewer have described it as a must read. She has more than 25 years of experience in training and development, finance, direct sales and international marketing, and is widely recognized as a visionary thinker who has a rare combination of creativity and a strong business sense. 

Quick to assess the core issues within a company and outline their impact on the organization and its profits, productivity and people, she is continually requested to lead companies into new markets and in new directions, handle organizational restructures and set up programs to build lasting commitments with employees and customers. 

Interviewed as the Loyalty Expert by ABC News, Durkin was featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Fortune, USA Today, Investor’s Business Daily and the Boston Globe, among numerous other publications. She was the subject of two cover stories in Learning and Training magazine and Sales & Service Excellence.


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