Target Date Funds—The Looming Liability of Misfit Risk

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 7, 2016
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
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Target date funds continue to gain in popularity as a QDIA for plan sponsors and an easy solution for participants. In February 2013, the Department of Labor issued a Target Date Retirement Funds Fact Sheet focusing on tips for ERISA plan fiduciaries. It is no longer prudent from a fiduciary standpoint to just go with the “house brand” offered by the service provider. Learn how to develop a best practices approach for carrying out fiduciary responsibilities related to evaluation and selection of the most appropriate target date solution for your plan as well as monitoring its ongoing performance.

Participants in the live webinar will earn (1) HRCI general re-certification credit or (1) SHRM re-certification credit.


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