7 Habits of Highly Successful Supervisors: Enable your Leaders and Managers to have the critical Mindsets, Skills, and Tools they need to Lead Frontline Teams

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Nov 15, 2017
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost $200.00
This webinar will provide a positive, real-world approach for delivering extraordinary results. We will reveal the key components to your supervisory success! Focuses on techniques and strategies that will help you handle your job responsibilities successfully and increase your personal job satisfaction. If you need others to take direction from you in order to succeed, you will find this program of tremendous value!

Supervisors must master the art of juggling - staff, schedules, meetings, compliance concerns, goals that must be met, deadlines that won't wait, on-going training needs, serving as a back-up for the employee that didn't come in the list goes on and on. We'll discuss how to keep all the balls in the air without breaking a sweat.This program will ramp up your leadership skills and address critical supervisory issues necessary to becoming an extraordinary supervisor.

Objectives of the Presentation
  • Develop an 'outcome-oriented' mindset in every activity they engage in - projects, meetings, presentations, contributions, etc
  • Eliminate energy and time-wasting tendencies by focusing and executing on the teams highest priorities
  • Lead teams that are motivated to perform superbly through a shared expectation and accountability process
  • Create an atmosphere of candid and helpful feedback by taking time to fully understand the issues
  • Demonstrate innovative problem solving by seeking out differences and new and better alternatives
Why Should you Attend
In the work place supervision doesn't just mean 'keeping an eye on them' to ensure they do it right! As the supervisor you are the leader. You are the one who is there to motivate, inspire, and clarify, as well as to ensure the goals of the daily work/project are achieved - on time and on budget.

Ideally the majority of your day should be spent doing these things, however at times pressure from management can drag you into other commitments or the need to 'do your own work.'

Many supervisors can be guilty of saying, "Half the day is gone and I haven't done anything else except deal with people issues."

This important session will make you aware of the fundamentals of great leadership. Whether a leader has been in their role for some time, is brand new, or is an emerging leader, this session will equip you to effectively meet some of today's most pressing leadership challenges.

Areas Covered
  • Acknowledge Your Role - Find balance between your need for approval and the larger need for meeting team and company goals. Learn the value of boundaries
  • Plan and Prioritize - Realize that your primary job is to make sure that everything that needs to get done gets done. Planning and prioritizing departmental tasks, and assigning the right tasks to the right people, is the key to everyone's success
  • Be accessible - establish routine coaching appointments with your staff to create consistent, timely accessibility. Take the time to walk around your department so you can see and hear what is going on. It's a great way to find and take advantage of 'coachable moments'
  • Encourage Teamwork - Foster input from team members and demonstrate how the success of one benefits the entire team and positively impacts the entire organization
  • Communicate Upward and Downward - Let your team in on the reasons behind decisions, then listen and share their input and concerns. You will create a happier, more productive workplace
  • Delegate - Delegating not only helps you manage your workload, it helps team members develop important skills and become more self-supervising. Provide encouragement and follow-up, so team members know they have the support and resources they need
  • Discipline Effectively - Set clear expectations. When it comes to performance concerns, be specific with team members. Let them see how their actions impact the team and the organization
Who will Benefit
Supervisors both experienced and new, those with supervisory responsibilities, and those that manage supervisors, HR managers

Instructor Profile:
Meloney Dosunmu is a national and international speaker, trainer, consultant and recognized expert on human resources, leadership and management. She has over 25 years of experience in the profession, as Global HR Director for Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Meloney Dosunmu has published several articles and publications on topics related to business, leadership and communication. She has spoken on leadership and various related topics at international conferences, and delivered training in Europe, APAC, South America and North America.

She is the recipient of the prestigious Women of Distinction Award from the Girl Scouts of Eastern PA for extraordinary leadership. Ms. Dosunmu has an MBA degree and a bachelor's degree in counseling. She is an adjunct instructor of Human Resources Management for DeSales University in Center Valley PA. She has been involved in Human Resources and Training & Development for over 25 years. 

** If you need assistance please call us at 510-857-5864 or Email us on "manu.c@onlinecompliancepanel".


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