How To Recruit and Hire Millennials

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Dec 5, 2018
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Does your company have what it takes to compete for millennial talent?  Does your current hiring process attract them... or does it actually turn them off?
It's already a huge challenge and will only get worse over the next 10 years as almost 80 million Millennials enter the workforce.  In this Live Master Class, How to Recruit and Hire Millennials, we will examine how the largest generation in our history will impact the hiring process and how YOU can turn this challenge into a competitive advantage!

Find out what Millennials expect in an application process, learn about technology's role in the process, hear case studies and research, and more.  

So, join us in this participative class to see what you and your organization should be doing to prepare for tomorrow's recruiting and hiring demands.


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