Webinar: The Constant of Quality

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 29, 2020
Time 10:30 AM EDT
Cost Free
In the battle for consumer attention, publishers, brands, and influencers can be tempted to chase vanity metrics and other instantly gratifying “quick wins”. But as audiences evolve, so does their relationship with content - creating a need for content that lasts beyond the initial “sugar high”. But what is quality vs quantity amidst a sea of engagement hacking, click-bait and cheap likes? How does this change the relationship with the consumer, and what does this mean when it comes to branded content?

Shareablee has partnered with Vox Media to develop insights that help answer the following important questions with regards to content:
  • What kind of content do audiences want and expect from each social media platform, and what does this mean for publishers? 
  • Whose responsibility is it to ensure that content leaves viewers with more than just a superficial “like”? Is it solely up to the social platforms or do publishers and creators have a role as well?
  • What are the 5 P’s of good content?
  • How does quality content differ by platform? Which platforms do consumers report seeing more content that resonates with them?
  • What makes for quality branded content?
Join Edwin Wong, Senior Vice President of Insights and Innovation at Vox Media as he shares key highlights from this new research, followed by a fireside chat with Armando Turco, Senior Vice President of Content at Vox Media and moderated by Tania Yuki, Founder and CEO of Shareablee.


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