Making Sense of Big Data - Webinar with Robert Rose

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Oct 14, 2014
Time 04:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Making Sense of Big Data - Webinar with Robert Rose

Marketers nowadays have access to larger pools of data and metrics than ever before. But data availability is only as strong as the conclusions marketers can draw from it-- which in turn, are only as useful as the change they can affect based on those conclusions.
In this 45 minute webinar, Robert Rose, Senior Contributing Analyst at the Digital Clarity Group and Chief Strategy Officer of the Content Marketing Institute will discuss how marketers can make sense of “Big Data,” derive actionable insights and leverage them to drive engagement.

Topics covered include:
1.     Why “rearview mirror” data capturing may be counterproductive to your marketing strategy, and why you should be looking ahead.
2.     Why smarter big data isn’t about more data but about asking better questions of the data available.
3.     Examples of real-world companies who have made their data smaller, and smarter, in to derive business benefit.

About the Presenter:
Robert Rose
Senior Analyst - Digital Clarity Group
Robert is Senior Contributing Analyst with Digital Clarity Group. He is the author of the book Managing Content Marketing, which spent two weeks as a top ten marketing book on A recognized expert in content marketing strategy, digital media, and the social Web, Robert innovates creative and technical strategies for a wide variety of clientele.


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