Acquiring New B2B Customers with Private Invitation-Only Events Webinar

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date May 6, 2015
Time 04:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
B2B companies are producing more private events while sponsoring less trade shows and conferences. While these larger events may provide great exposure, participating sponsors face the challenge of sharing leads and content with their competition while paying expensive fees to speak to an often unqualified and competitive audience. They also want ownership and control of the format, agenda, content, attendee experience, and communications. Invitation-only events are a proven method to maximize new customer lead generation, convert existing demand into new customers, expand business with current customers, and generate unique content that establishes thought leadership. 

We will cover the following questions: 
• What types of formats and venues are proven to attract prospects? 
• How do you create the content and topics to draw qualified attendees? 
• What strategies should be used to recruit the best speakers? 
• How do you engage attendees before, during and after the event? 
• How do you integrate and inspire your sales team to maximize new customer lead generation? 
• How do you fuel your content marketing with thought leadership captured from the event? 

Lessons learned from successful, invitation-only events will be provided by: 
• Steve Etzler, Founder and CEO, Business Development Institute 
• Denise Vardakas-Styrna, Director of Marketing, DataXu 
• Tom Hileman, Managing Partner, Hileman Enterprises LLC


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