Enabling one-on-one marketing with Hyper-Personalization [Webinar]

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date May 29, 2018
Time 05:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
How Industry Leaders are revolutionizing marketing with Hyper-Personalization

As Marketers (as well as customers), we are bored of basic personalization such as first name and product color.

We want more! We’ll only settle for more!

With Hyper-Personalization, more is now possible.

This boon not only utilizes behavioral and real-time data to create highly contextual communication but also guarantees relevant and customized experience. Sounds interesting, right? But we haven’t even scratched the surface yet.

In this webinar, Priyam Jha (Content Marketer at WebEngage) will dig a lot deeper into WHY Hyper-Personalization is the future of marketing. Moreover, he’ll explain HOW global brands like Netflix, Starbucks, etc. are using this technique to win the hearts of millions of their customers.


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