Get More out of Life by using Lean Six Sigma

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Dec 13, 2021
Time 12:00 AM EDT
Cost Free

This Webinar is intended to improve the daily habits and lifestyle of people by implementing Lean Six Sigma techniques. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology originated in manufacturing by Motorola and optimized by Toyota and General Electric. There are many companies - Amazon, Starbucks, Caterpillar, GE, Toyota - that have benefited tremendously from Lean Six Sigma, and after 20 years as a coach for companies such as BNP Paribas and BMW, I am now on a mission to teach people how to apply these techniques to their lives. So, strap on and get ready for radical changes. This December 13th we will be discussing these techniques in depth!

Have you ever thought about how to optimize your personal life?

Do you wish your children could accomplish their chores every day without complaining?

Do you spend enough time with your wife?

Are you always you always in a rush, with no time to take your dog out?​

Do you think how you could control your dog walk in the morning because you need to arrive on time at your first meetings?

Are you controlling time, or is it controlling you?

Having a good work-life balance is essential to mental, emotional and physical health, but how can you accomplish this?


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