Keeping a Climate of Safety

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Aug 12, 2014
Time 11:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
Guest presenter, Shamus O'Meara, will be speaking to schools on Keeping a Climate of Safety. Attend the webinar to gain a better understanding of:

• National Safety Initiatives & Community Partnering
• Best Practices for Prevention & Mitigation
• Response Considerations
• Crisis Communication & Information Sharing
• Available Resources

Shamus O'Meara is the Managing Shareholder with O'MEARA, LEER, WAGNER & KOHL in Minneapolis representing school districts and public entities for over 20 years. He has been through many crises with public officials, including school shooting incidents. He presents nationally on school safety and emergency management topics and has worked with state and national departments of education, school boards associations, mental health and law enforcement agencies to promote safety and violence prevention in schools and on campuses. Shamus also assisted the National School Boards Association and Connecticut school communities following the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He has been recognized as a Minnesota Attorney of the Year, and Minnesorta Super Lawyer, and serves as a school safety consultant and expert witness for educational institutions and public entities.

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