Black Male Underachievement - Myth or Fact?

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Aug 10, 2014
Time 09:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Sunday, August 10, 2014 from 09:00 PM - 10:00 PM (CDT)
  • This week we will be discussing the question, "Is Black Male Achievement a myth or fact?" We will be looking at factors that shape this question and the steps we need to take to overcome it.
This free webinar will cover:
  • Discuss articles from post
  • Strategize strategies for addressing the issue

Presented by PBLA Male Mentoring

This is a mentoring group with HS males involved in the Porter-Billups Leadership Academy. The goal is encouragement, empowerment, challenge and accountability.Learn more
Featured Presenters

Jason Perry


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