Achieving Effective Haematological Oncology Clinical Trials

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 14, 2016
Time 09:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
This free webinar examines the nuances of successfully conducting haematological oncology clinical trials.
Haematological malignancies such as leukaemia, multiple myeloma and lymphoma represent a subset of indications within oncology that are wholly different from solid tumours. The growing haematological oncology therapy market is fueling both large numbers of clinical studies and, more importantly, an enhanced and refined understanding of cancer pathologies. Conducting clinical trials in haematological malignancies requires an understanding of a rapidly evolving treatment paradigm that is increasingly nuanced, complex and patient-directed. Companies developing haematological oncology therapies must capitalise on the principles and infrastructures shared by solid tumour oncology trials while adapting endpoints, study designs and data management approaches as well as considering patients’ experiences to address the particular challenges related to investigating candidate treatments for blood-based cancers.
Join this webinar to gain an understanding of critical differences between solid tumour and haematological oncology and a discussion on the nuances of conducting successful haematological oncology clinical trials.
Learning Objectives
  • Understand critical trial design considerations; including tumour type, standard of care vs research interests, and overall data capture nuances
  • Learn how to create meaningful, measurable endpoints and how they differ from solid tumour studies
  • Recognize how to effectively monitor and manage data and queries within oncology studies
  • Gain insight into selecting ideal trial sites for rare haematological malignancies and the importance of working with an oncology-experienced team


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