Ensuring a Successful Collaboration between Sponsors and CROs

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jul 27, 2016
Time 09:00 AM EDT
Cost Free
For many medical device and pharmaceutical companies, outsourcing some or all aspects of their clinical study support is becoming more common. After years of product development, the clinical study is the last step in getting the product to the market and/or the most expensive phase of the product development life cycle. Choosing a CRO partner for your clinical study could make your clinical research work a resounding success, if done correctly, or a colossal failure, if not done well. From the CRO perspective, collaborating with the right (or wrong) sponsor companies will have an impact on your company’s success and your potential for future growth.
This session will focus on the keys to finding a good sponsor/CRO match for your clinical research. We will discuss ways to manage the work to ensure that the clinical study is completed as effectively as possible. Collaboration logistics such as who’s SOPs to follow and what to include (or intentionally exclude) in the contract will be discussed. In addition, ways to ensure effective communication will be presented from both the sponsor and the CRO perspective. Real world examples of CRO and sponosor collaborations will be provided.
This will be an interactive session. Throughout the discussion, the audience members are encouraged to provide input based on their experience with sponsor/CRO relationships as it relates to CRO selection, managing compliance, maintaining a strong relationship and managing the unexpected occurrences in the trial.
Key Learning Objectives
After this presentation, the attendees should have an understanding of:
  • The sponsor and CRO perspectives of what it is like to collaborate with one another on a clinical research project
  • The roles and responsibilities of a sponsor and a CRO in clinical research
  • The keys to choosing the right CRO for clinical study support
  • How to manage the logistics, such as elements of the contract, whose SOPs to follow, the regulatory document format and, most importantly, communication between the sponsor and CRO


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