How to Get a Head Start on College Applications

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Feb 9, 2021
Time 02:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
College applications are complex, difficult, and completely unique. At no other time in life will someone be asked to write the same kind of essays, engage in the same types of research, or make the big decisions as during college applications. What's more, the competition gets fiercer with every passing year.

Starting on college applications as early as possible is a necessity in today's competitive environment for college admissions. Join the college planning experts at THE ADMISSIONS ANGLE as they discuss the following:

- How can I research colleges, know how many to apply to, and understand where I would be a good fit?
- What are colleges looking for in terms of essays, and what does my essay crafting timeline look like?
- How can I begin to choose a major?
- How can I form an admissions strategy? How much does my strategy matter?
- What can I do before the start of summer to shore up my extracurricular activities?

These questions and so many more will be the subject of The Admissions Angle's free Zoom webinar: HOW TO GET A HEAD START ON COLLEGE APPLICATIONS.

Learn more at


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