Expedite Your EBS 12.2 Upgrade Before You’re Desupported: Proven Expert Strategies

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jun 29, 2021
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost Free

Oracle EBS users below 12.2 will lose the premium support by December 2021. To avoid outages and continue to support your mission-critical business capabilities, protect your investment against cyber attacks, and much more, you need to take immediate action to upgrade your EBS to Release 12.2.

Oracle's Continuous Innovation releasted in 12.2 version will help you implement any future updates easily. But one has to understand the technical implementations to upgrade to EBS 12.2

Attend our webinar to understand

  • The difference between Market Driven Support and Premium Support
  • How to expedite the upgrade process
  • Strategies to complete the upgrade in a quick time


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