Climate Action: Adaptation & Mitigation

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jun 17, 2021
Time 10:00 AM EDT
Cost Free

EnvironFocus presents a 2 Day Virtual event on SDG 13: Climate Action. You will hear experts talk about the current state of climate change, climate opportunities UNFCCC overview, policy developments on carbon mitigation/removal technologies and market perspectives and trends. This event is open to everyone. A link will be sent to you once you register on eventbrite!

Event Timing: June 17 & 18, 11 AM EST

Day 1: UNFCCC overview, current state of climate change and opportunities

By Luca Brusa - Lead, Stakeholder and Regional support at UNFCCC

Day 2: Policy developments on carbon mitigation/removal technologies and market perspectives and trends

By Pedro Carvahlo - Environmental Markets Policy Analyst at EcoSecurities

Facilitator - Obie Agusiegbe, CEO of EnvironFocus

We look forward to seeing you there! 


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