How to Ace Your Next Virtual Academic Conference

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Aug 25, 2021
Time 07:30 AM EDT
Cost Free

Enago Academy is presenting a webinar on "How to Ace your Next Virtual Academic Conference" which emphasize on Identifying the right conferences for you, how to strategize video presentations, and moreover handling different Question and Answers. The webinar will also focus on different tips for your virtual networking with people.

Scholarly meetings have for some time been a compelling method for research advancement. They are not just an extraordinary stage to grandstand the most recent discoveries and organization with research experts around the world yet, in addition, a helpful discussion for specialists to see cutting-edge information from specialists in the field. Of late, virtual gatherings have been acquiring gigantic fame and are progressively turning into a standard. Likewise, it has gotten fundamental for specialists to adjust to this new configuration to focus on the crowd amazingly and convey significant parts of their examination work convincingly. Our next online course will mean to plan scientists for effectively conveying a striking show and assist them with defeating the most squeezing difficulties with virtual meetings.


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