Metrics, Assessments & Evals: Getting Started

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date May 5, 2022
Time 12:00 PM EDT
Cost $50.00

We measure what we treasure.

Metrics are so important both for programs, curriculum, and an organization, as a whole. But, determing which metrics to use or when to use certain evaluation types can feel overwhelming. 

There will be two avenues within this workshop: curriculum and organization metrics. We will go over how to use your curriculum's objectives to measure if it's meeting its intended outcomes. We'll also go over the difference between formative and summative assessments within curriculum. 

On the organizational side, we'll go over techniques for self-evaluation and how to determine possible key performance indicators (KPIs) for your organization.

Participants will receive the workshop recording and slide deck which has a list of resources, as well. 


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