DIY Workshop: "Aged Burlap Technique", with special guest blogger--Country Design Style

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Sep 28, 2014
Time 03:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Jeanette Chaney (yes there are two Jeanette's) is the talented blogger behind the creativity at She has a knack for upcycling and repurposing, and will be showing us one of her favorite DIY's -- "Aged Burlap" using vinegar. This craft went crazy on my Facebook page and her Pinterest page as well, and is a reader favorite.

Prep 24 Hours in Advance:
**Vinegar has to cure for 24 hours**

1. Jar of 2 cups of white vinegar with torn "0000" grade steel wool. Use approximately half the pad. THIS NEEDS TO CURE FOR 24 HOURS BEFORE THE EVENT.

2. A cup of tea made from black tea leaves. The tea can be hot or cold for painting.

3. Two paintbrushes. Supplies for stenciling;

4. OPTIONAL - a piece of scrap wood for a bonus lesson on how to use this same formulat to stain wood.

Jeanette had a lot of "trial and error" with this project, and I know my readers appreciate the "real world" examples you'll find in this DIY.
This free webinar will cover:
  • DIY
  • Craft
  • Homemade Wood Finishing Solution with Vinegar


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