System-Level Testing & Debugging

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jan 13, 2015
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost $175.00
This presenter has been trained in and has used several formalized test procedures. However he typically picks and chooses tools out of each one to best suit his needs for the project at hand. 

In addition, he has developed his own methodology which, over the years, has served him well. Not only is this an effective testing methodology, it is also very useful for debugging the problem when one is found. Some formal test proponents, however, may criticize aspects of this methodology. But it is yet another tool, and a powerful one, for the test engineer’s toolbox. 

Testing only finds problems. Debugging is needed to fix the problems. The presenter will go over some debugging techniques he has developed over the years. 
In addition, he will discuss his own perspectives on ancillary but under-discussed topics that greatly improve the testing and debugging process. 
Overall, the objective of this course is to help attendees gain some new insights and perspectives to improve their testing and debugging effectiveness in their jobs. 

Why should you Attend: Good mechanics have many tools in their toolboxes, which allow them to use the right tool at the right time making them more efficient and thorough for the job at hand. Good development and test engineers likewise have many tools in their toolboxes making them more efficient and thorough in their product development and testing. 

Many formalized test procedures have been developed, published, and promoted over the years. At times, however, some of these formalized procedures are promoted too excessively and exclusively. This can cause engineers to try to put a square peg in a round hole; in other words, not using the right tool for the job. It doesn’t work well and it leaves some gaps in testing and product quality. Some formalized test procedures, while very capable in discovering problems, have difficulty in aiding engineers in debugging those problems. 

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • A System and Its Development
  • Testing a System
  • Formal Testing Methodologies
  • Informal Testing Methodologies
  • Debugging a System
  • Ancillary Testing and Debugging Topics
James Richard
Phone: +1-800-447-9407 
fax no: 302-288-6884
Event Link:



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