Building Android from Source Code - webinar by EitaGlobal

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Jan 27, 2015
Time 01:00 PM EDT
Cost $175.00
This webinar will lead the attendee through the process of downloading the Android source code, installing the build tools, configuring a build and kicking that build off. We ill cover the approaches for contributing to the Android Open Source Project and how to submit bug reports via the Gerrit tool. 

We will additionally demonstrate the configuration of the Android kernel and the incorporation of the kernel sources into the Android build process. 

This session is targeted particularly at those developers who are considering using Android for applications beyond the traditional smartphone/tablet devices, such as for smart appliances and automobiles. 

Why should you Attend: Android is fast becoming a major force in embedded systems, owing to the device support of the Linux kernel and the well-defined user interface. As embedded developers start to add user interfaces to myriads of embedded devices, the need for color displays, touch screens, network connectivity and a standard middleware framework make Android an ideal candidate for future products that go beyond tablets or smartphones. This session will start you on the path to be able to build Android from source code and target new devices. 

Areas Covered in the Session:
  • Which version of Android should I use?
  • Locating and downloading the Android source tree
  • Registering as an AOSP developer
  • The installation of the build tools
  • Adding a new device definition to the source
  • Incorporating the kernel sources into the build process
  • Initiating a build
  • Testing that the build was successful and Android conformance testing
James Richard
Phone: +1-800-447-9407 
fax no: 302-288-6884
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