Management of the “Pusher” Patient

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 17, 2015
Time 03:00 PM EDT
Cost $59.00
Do you need ideas for managing the “pusher” patient? Learn how to formulate a treatment plan based on the particular impairment and level of severity.

Full Description:
Management of patients who present with pusher syndrome following a stroke can be challenging. There is a greater likelihood of recovery when we understand the mechanism causing the pushing, and develop interventions that correlate to the impairments specific to this sub-group of patients. 

This course will introduce participants to the latest theories regarding the causes of pusher syndrome. A framework will be developed to assist the clinician in classifying the “pusher” patient into a functional recovery category which will assist with appropriate goal-setting, thus maximizing treatment and guiding progression. The intervention strategies presented will meet the needs of the patient along the recovery spectrum including severe, lower-level “pushers” through higher-level, ambulatory patients with persistent pushing and midline deficits. 

Course Includes:
Live Q&A
Presentation Handout
Post session recording access
CE Credit

What You Will Learn:
Identify common impairments of patients who push following a stroke
Explain the causes of pushing behavior
Distinguish the characteristics of  low, moderate, and high level “pushers”
Apply appropriate treatment interventions based on identified level of severity of the pushing behavior
Describe treatment progression for a patient presenting with “pusher” behavior

Your Presenter:
MICHELLE GREEN, PT, DPT, is a licensed physical therapist who has worked with neurologically involved patients within in-patient rehab settings for nearly 20 years. She received her Master’s in PT form Ithaca College and her DPT from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has an extensive background in application of NDT to contemporary practice and focuses her coursework on treatment development following the framework of the ICF Model. Using her extensive knowledge and experience working in rehab and physical fitness, she has been a sought-after lecturer, presenting seminars on topics such as Stroke Rehab, Pusher Syndrome, Geriatric Strength Training, Developing Functional Core Stability, and Pilates and Yoga for Rehab Professionals. These courses attract the attention of both physical and occupational therapists alike, as Ms. Green couples evidence-based treatment models with a dynamic, engaging style to rejuvenate and inspire rehab professionals in their respective fields.

Only registered attendees will have access to CE. A Cross Country Education web account is required to attend. There is no charge for a CCE web account. It is recommended that you join the meeting 15 to 20 minutes early. Speaker phone sound quality is poor and it is recommended that they not be used to listen to the event.

Technical requirements:
To view this webinar you will need to download the WebEx Application. You will be prompted to download it when you first enter the site. To save time, you can setup prior to the meeting by following this link:

Who Should Attend:
Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs), Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTAs)


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