Enabling Successful M&As through Leadership Due Diligence

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Feb 15, 2015
Time 07:00 PM EDT
Cost Free
Mergers & acquisitions (M&As) continue to be a major strategy in support of corporate growth. M&A activity resurged in 2014. More than US$3 trillion in deals were announced and/or closed-at the highest levels in seven years. Yet, M&As are an inherently risky undertaking for any business. Research indicates that up to 70% of such deals fail to meet stated objectives, and of those, 50% will destroy shareholder value. What can be done to reduce risk and assure M&A success?
New, seminal research, highlighted in the September 2014 issue of Harvard Business Review, has shed light on the specific set of leadership skills to predict M&A success-for both acquirer and target companies. For the first time, this research quantified the impact of leadership on the ability for a particular M&A to succeed...or fail.
This informative and interactive session will delve into this groundbreaking research and explain why leadership capability is critical to M&As and must be explored during due diligence-although previously not considered a priority by decision makers.


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