Overuse Injuries: Considerations for the Young Athlete

MessageThis Webinar is over
Date Apr 24, 2015
Time 02:00 PM EDT
Cost $39.00
Be proactive in stemming the tide of overuse injuries in young athletes. Explore preventative measures for stress fractures and tendinopathy.

Full Description:
Athletics present a wonderful opportunity for children to realize their physical potential and learn valuable life lessons. It also opens the athlete up to the possibility of injury. Injury rates are increasing as children enter into and streamline athletic competition at earlier ages. We treat these injuries in our clinics, and with the changing healthcare environment, we have fewer visits in which to do so. If the healthcare provider hopes to produce positive outcomes for our patient athletes, greater emphasis needs to be placed on injury prevention.  

This webinar investigates the current literature in regards to two main types of overuse injuries: stress fractures and tendinopathies. Participants will learn the definitions, etiologies, treatment, and most importantly the prevention of them through modifiable factors. 

Course Includes:
Live Q&A
Presentation Handout
Post session recording access
CE Credit

What You Will Learn:
Accurately describe the overlap between traumatic and overuse musculoskeletal injuries
Correctly recall two issues with the definitions for overuse injury
Accurately contrast the characteristics and preventative measures for four types of grade fractures and two types of risk fractures
Correctly list the three stages found in the newest theory of tendinopathy
Accurately identify the most appropriate preventative measures for tendinopathy 

Your Presenter:
KERRY HOLT, PT, DPT, received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Notre Dame with a double major in pre-professional studies and psychology in 1999. She went on to receive her Doctor of Physical Therapy degree from Duke University School of Medicine in 2002. Dr. Holt has over 10 years of extensive experience in the areas of geriatrics, neuromuscular rehabilitation, orthopedics, and sports rehabilitation. As owner of PrevenT Consulting, LLC, her vision is to educate clinicians on the research pertaining to injury and disease prevention for purposes of prophylaxis and health promotion.

Only registered attendees will have access to CE. A Cross Country Education web account is required to attend. There is no charge for a CCE web account. It is recommended that you join the meeting 15 to 20 minutes early. Speaker phone sound quality is poor and it is recommended that they not be used to listen to the event.

Technical requirements:
To view this webinar you will need to download the WebEx Application. You will be prompted to download it when you first enter the site. To save time, you can setup prior to the meeting by following this link: https://apidemoeu.webex.com/apidemoeu/meetingcenter/mcsetup.php

Who Should Attend:
Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Athletic Trainers, Personal Trainers, Certified Strength and Conditioning Coaches


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